Open Access Article
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 1-4 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220032.
The compiling characteristics and using strategies of the literacy section of the unified edition of primary school language teaching materials
侯静雯 *
北京师范大学文学院语文教育研究所 北京
侯静雯,单位:北京师范大学文学院语文教育研究所 北京;
发布时间: 2022-12-28 总浏览量: 933
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关键词: 统编教材;小学语文;识字教学
The literacy section of the Unified Edition Chinese textbook for primary schools presents many characteristics in content, such as "more knowledge and less writing, knowledge and writing split", multiple literacy, learning materials close to children's lives, decentralized and implicit knowledge and ability training points, and each stage reflects the level of Chinese character learning. This arrangement gives consideration to the unity of scientific and literacy efficiency, and focuses on the cultivation of literacy interest and ability, as well as the implementation of the core Chinese literacy. Therefore, when using the literacy section of the unified textbook, we should comprehensively grasp the textbook system, use the characteristics of Chinese characters to cultivate literacy interest, and deeply understand and develop students' literacy ability in teaching.
Key words: Unified textbook; Primary school Chinese; Literacy teaching
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