Open Access Article
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 9-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220034.
An experimental study on improving school adaptation level of first-year students in junior high school by Perceptive games teaching
洪显利 *,
重庆师范大学教育科学学院应用心理学重点实验室 重庆
洪显利,单位:重庆师范大学教育科学学院应用心理学重点实验室 重庆;
发布时间: 2022-12-28 总浏览量: 595
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关键词: 学校适应;感悟式游戏教学;初一新生
When the adolescent students, for a new junior high school environment, school adaptation state directly affects the healthy growth of teenagers. This research adopts the single factor experimental group and control group in pretest posttest design, the experimental group with perceptive game teaching take the student as the center, actively build secure freedom and harmonious environment, the diversification of design layers of in-depth structural formula and the formula of the game, guides the student to feel and experience many senses, realize the inherent meaning game, so as to obtain the harmonious development of body and mind. SPSS 19.0 was used for data analysis and test results, and the following conclusions were drawn :(1) compared with traditional teaching, perceptive game teaching can effectively improve the school adaptation level of junior high school students; (2) Comparatively speaking, perceptive game teaching has a more significant effect on improving the school adaptation level of junior middle school students whose school adaptation level is below average; (3) Traditional teaching has obvious improvement effect on junior middle school students with low school adaptation level, but it may have negative impact on students with high school adaptation level.
Key words: school adaptation; Perceptive game teaching; first-year students in junior high school
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