Open Access Article
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 37-40 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220039.
Exploration of the practical teaching mode of personal finance classroom under the background of new liberal arts
陈婷秀 *
三亚学院 海南三亚
陈婷秀,单位:三亚学院 海南三亚;
发布时间: 2022-12-28 总浏览量: 676
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关键词: 新文科;理财课堂;教学模式
Conference on New Liberal Arts Construction has made a systematic and comprehensive deployment for promoting the construction of new liberal arts in Chinese universities in the new era. In 2022, the National Conference of Higher Education Directors also discussed and studied the issue of high-quality development of higher education in China, and proposed to create a Chinese paradigm of higher education, and to provide talent support for economic and social development through the independent training of colleges and universities. With the change of The Times, the education of humanities and social sciences also needs to inherit the development advantages of excellent liberal arts, but to constantly seek the innovation of teaching mode, the integration of interdisciplinary disciplines, to meet the demand of modern industries for talents."New" highlights the new technological revolution. With the emergence of new retail, new manufacturing, new finance and new management modes, the economic and management professional education is influenced by the industrial transformation guided by big data and artificial intelligence. Business education needs to integrate the development mode of modern technology and break the traditional paradigm of business education. This paper takes the course of "Personal Finance" as a sample to explore the theoretical basis and practical mode of developing the personal finance course under the background of the new liberal arts construction.
Key words: New Liberal Arts; Financial Management Classroom; Teaching Mode
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