Open Access Article
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 57-63 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220044.
Text content analysis of the differences in teaching design knowledge between Primary and secondary school teachers and the textbook——Take the case of three textbooks of curriculum and teaching theory in different times
罗德红 *,
怀化学院武陵山片区基础教育研究,怀化学院教育科学学院 湖南怀化
怀化学院学科建设与发展规划处 湖南怀化
罗德红,单位:怀化学院武陵山片区基础教育研究,怀化学院教育科学学院 湖南怀化;
发布时间: 2022-12-28 总浏览量: 618
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关键词: 教师的教学设计知识;教学设计理论知识;差异;教学论教材
In this paper, teaching design knowledge is represented by teaching design structure, teaching objective and teaching process structure. With the textbooks of Chinese teaching theory published in 2003, 2015 and 2020 as the scope of analysis, we have found that the teaching objective knowledge and teaching process structure knowledge reflected by teachers' teaching plans are very different from the corresponding theoretical knowledge. And the difference is attributed to the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the case in the textbook. It is suggested that theoretical workers should remove the source obstacles for normal university students to learn teaching design knowledge, solve the "two skin" phenomenon of theory and practice in textbooks, rebuild the rigor and authority of the theory, and promote the development of instructional design theory.
Key words: teachers' knowledge of teaching design; Theoretical knowledge of teaching design; Difference; Chinese Teaching theory textbook
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