



Open Access Article

Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2023; 2: (1) ; 1-4 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20230001.

Exploration of Thinking Training in Epilogue High School English Writing Teaching

作者: 高灵芝 *

赤峰红旗中学 内蒙古赤峰

*通讯作者: 高灵芝,单位:赤峰红旗中学 内蒙古赤峰;

发布时间: 2023-03-18 总浏览量: 560



关键词: 高中英语;写作教学;思维训练


In recent years, the education circle is increasingly concerned about junior high school English teaching. High school English course as a very key course in the middle school teaching occupies an unusual position. In the English teaching of Chinese colleges and universities, the trend of diversification and openness is moving forward. Therefore, since the traditional high school English writing course can no longer adapt to the current teaching situation, English teachers in Chinese colleges and universities are required to make innovative changes in their teaching methods, that is, to strengthen the cultivation of students' writing concept, the thinking ability of composition research, and cultivate their correct writing concept, so as to improve their English writing ability. Therefore, this chapter will discuss the writing teaching of high school English.

Key words: High school English; Teaching writing; Thinking training

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高灵芝, 高中英语写作教学中的思维训练探索[J]. 中小学教育研究, 2023; 2: (1) : 1-4.