



Open Access Article

Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2023; 2: (1) ; 5-8 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20230002.

Exploration of traditional economics curriculum reform under the background of new technology——takes the online teaching of finance science as an example

作者: 陈婷秀 *

三亚学院 海南三亚

*通讯作者: 陈婷秀,单位:三亚学院 海南三亚;

发布时间: 2023-03-18 总浏览量: 813



关键词: 新技术;经济学课程;改革


With the computer technology, mobile portable equipment, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other modern information technology and equipment of rapid development, informatization, convenient, intelligent process, higher education informatization is deepening, in the direction of more convenient and more efficient, teaching mode is huge and profound changes are taking place. Based on the background of new technology, this paper understands the needs of traditional economics curriculum reform, discusses the ideas of traditional economics curriculum reform, and expands the new ways and methods of teaching mode. Combined with the practical experience and characteristics of curriculum reform, and the traditional teaching mode, the specific measures of curriculum reform are put forward from the aspects of teaching mode, teaching content, classroom form and curriculum assessment planning.

Key words: New technology; economics curriculum; reform

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