Open Access Article
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2024; 3: (1) ; 54-56 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20240008.
Strategies for cultivating children's qualities under the concept of life education
朱晓霞 *
桓台县第二实验幼儿园 山东淄博
朱晓霞,单位:桓台县第二实验幼儿园 山东淄博;
发布时间: 2024-10-24 总浏览量: 69
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关键词: 生活教育理念;幼儿;品质培养
This article explores in depth how to construct an effective strategy for cultivating children's qualities through daily life practice. The concept of life education emphasizes that early childhood is a golden period for character formation and value shaping. It is necessary to make full use of diverse environments such as families, kindergartens, and communities, and follow the principle of "learning by doing, learning by doing". Through innovative methods such as scenario simulation, role-playing, and positive incentives, children should be guided to gradually improve their self-management, social and cooperative awareness, sense of responsibility and empathy, innovative consciousness and exploratory spirit, problem-solving and other excellent qualities through participation, experience, and reflection. This will promote the comprehensive development of children and lay a solid foundation for lifelong learning and growth.
Key words: Philosophy of life education; Child; Quality cultivation
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