



Open Access Article

Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2024; 3: (1) ; 77-81 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20240014.

Teaching whole book reading of middle school Chinese: practical exploration of interdisciplinary integration

作者: 刘建明, 李安国 *

安徽省太和县教学研究室 安徽太和

*通讯作者: 李安国,单位:安徽省太和县教学研究室 安徽太和;

发布时间: 2024-11-24 总浏览量: 262



关键词: 初中语文;整本书跨学科阅读;现状分析;策略


In the context of contemporary education focusing on improving students' comprehensive quality, the importance of interdisciplinary reading teaching for middle school Chinese textbooks is increasingly prominent. This study deeply analyzes its multiple meanings and points out that although this field has received attention and achieved results, there are still many challenges in practice, such as lack of teaching time, traditional methods, single evaluation, student interest differentiation, and insufficient home school collaboration. Interdisciplinary reading can break through the thinking limitations of traditional reading teaching, help students grow comprehensively and build core competencies, and enrich the theory of middle school Chinese reading teaching. This article proposes a series of teaching strategies based on the current situation, emphasizing that interdisciplinary homework design should go beyond exam oriented functions, focus on cultivating students' core Chinese literacy, and promote the development of homework towards diversity, depth, and innovation dimensions. This study aims to provide systematic theoretical support and practical guidance for interdisciplinary reading teaching of middle school Chinese language textbooks, in order to enhance their teaching effectiveness and educational value.

Key words: Middle school Chinese; Interdisciplinary reading of the entire book; Current situation analysis; Strategies

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