



Open Access Article

Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (1) ; 5-8 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220002.

Context-based teaching strategy for deep learning of high school geography

作者: 迟晓瑞 *

东北师范大学附属中学 吉林长春

*通讯作者: 迟晓瑞,单位:东北师范大学附属中学 吉林长春;

发布时间: 2022-04-07 总浏览量: 1224



关键词: 情境创设;高中地理;地理教学;深度学习


The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to continue to promote the reform of quality education and promote the coordinated development of students' morality, intelligence and physique. The new curriculum standard of high school geography carries out teaching reform around this concept, focusing on cultivating students' core literacy of geography, and guiding students to conduct in-depth study is an effective strategy to cultivate students' core literacy of geography. This paper first briefly introduces the concept of deep learning. On this basis, combined with high school geography classroom examples, it discusses the teaching strategy of guiding students to carry out deep learning through reasonable creation of situations, stimulates students' interest in learning through situation creation, and uses a variety of carriers to create rich and diverse situations. , through the situation to promote the development of students' in-depth thinking, so as to improve the students' in-depth learning effect.

Key words: situation creation; high school geography; geography teaching; deep learning

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